Zebulon LA Shares Ty Segall Live Session Video, Releases Compilation ft. Oh Sees, William Tyler, and More

Zebulon LA Shares Ty Segall Live Session Video, Releases Compilation ft. Oh Sees, William Tyler, and More

Ty Segall is the latest musician to take part in the Zebulon Sessions. Produced by Zebulon LA, the series is tailor made for the COVID-19 era. In accordance with social distancing guidelines, the Zebulon Sessions showcase artists performing at the Los Angeles venue without an audience. The video of the California rocker’s far-too-brief, 30-minute electrifying solo set premiered Thursday night on Zebulon’s YouTube. You can watch it below. Zebulon also features Ty on a live recording compilation the venue released last month on Bandcamp.

For his empty-room show, Ty displayed his artwork and played electric guitar accompanied by pre-recorded backing tracks. He kicked off his decade-spanning set with “Finger” and closed with “Love Fuzz.” You can find the complete set list below.

Ty’s session, filmed by Brandon Kelly, Matt Doyle, Kevin Luna, and Brian Lee Hughes, is the seventh installment in the series. Other episodes feature Oh Sees’ Dan Rincon, Osees (John Dwyer and Tomas Dolas), Charles Moothart, Nico Turner, Rocco Deluca, and Sub Pop recording artist Shannon Lay.

Earlier this month, Ty released two singles he collaborated on with Wand frontman Cory Hanson, “She’s a Beam” and “Milk Bird Flyer.” The duo recorded both songs five years ago and recently rediscovered them. They actually played “She’s a Beam” live during Ty’s 2015 solo acoustic tour (listen to an NYCTaper recording here). The pair donated 100% of the proceeds from the first week of track sales to Black Lives Matter LA. You can listen to “She’s a Beam” below and buy the EP here via Drag City.

Ty also appears on Zebulon LA Live Recording Volume I. A compilation of 15 live recordings, Ty’s contribution is a rendition of “Rain” he plays acoustic with Emmett Kelly and Ben Boye. Zebulon LA recorded all the songs at their Silver Lake locale except for the album’s opening track by Jonas Mekas, “Everything Depends On Us.” It was captured at Zebulon’s original space in Brooklyn in 2009. Zebulon taped Ty’s performance on December 16, 2019.

Also appearing on Zebulon’s compilation are Oh Sees. John Dwyer and his crew share a new song, “Terminal Jape,” which they recorded on March 21, 2020. Other artists featured include The Entrance Band, William Tyler, and Terry Allen and the Pandhandle Mystery Band. You can review the track list below. The album is available for purchase on Bandcamp.

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Ty Segall Zebulon Sessions Set List with Song Start Times
Finger – 0:00
Squealer – 3:34
Candy Sam – 6:30
Warm Hands (Freedom Returned) – 10:00
You’re the Doctor – 17:52
Taste – 19:54
Love Fuzz – 23:33

Zebulon LA Live Recording Volume I Track List
1. Jonas Mekas
Song Title: Everything Depends On Us
Performance date: 5/10/2009

2. Laraaji and Arji OceAnanda
Song Title: Zither and Shells
Performance date: 2/13/2019

3. Fred Frith Trio
Song Title; Improvisation
Performance date: 12/13/2018

4. The Entrance Band
Song Title: No Needs
Performance date: 8/26/2019

5. Hiro Kone
Song Title: Holobiont
Performance date: 11/29/2018

6. Roedelius
Song Title: Ad Infinitum
Performance date : 6/3/2019

7. Ty Segall Acoustic Trio (Ty Segall, Emmett Kelly & Ben Boye)
Song Title: Rain
Performance date: 12/16/2019

8. Mary Lattimore and Meg Baird
Song Title: Wrecking Ball
Performance date: 5/16/2019

9. Endless Boogie
Song Title: California Split
Performer date: 4/25/2019

10. Thee OH Sees
Song Title: Terminal Jape
Performance date: 03/21/ 2020

11. Dallas Acid
Song Title: I Fagelns Sang
Performance Date: 2/13/2019

12. William Tyler
Song Title: Eventual Surrender
Performance date: 12/10 2019

13. The Brothers Unconnected (Sun City Girls)
Song Title: The Flower
Performance date: 2/9/2020

14. Terry Allen and the Panhandle Mystery Band
Song: The Lubbock Tornado
Performance Date: 2/15/20

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