Miranda July in NYC This Week: ‘New Society’ at BAM and ‘The First Bad Man’ Book Signing
The calendar may say October, but we have July on the brain. Miranda July that is. The award-winning writer, filmmaker, artist, app developer and handbag designer is in New York this week with her mysterious performance work New Society. She will also be at McNally Jackson Bookstore at 1pm today signing copies of The First Bad Man.
New Society is part of BAM’s New Wave Festival and runs nightly through Saturday, October 10. Specifics of the piece are very hush, hush, and in fact, July requests that no one speak about it until after the final curtain call. The program notes on BAM’s website list a message from July that simply states: “These days it is a rare sensation to sit down in a theater with no idea what will happen; with your help I can give that feeling to more people. Please refrain from posting descriptions of the show online until Sunday, October 11th. Thank you so much for understanding.” Tickets for the run are sold out, but you can try your luck with stand by.
July’s The First Bad Man was an instant New York Times bestseller when it was first published by Simon & Schuster in January. It tells the story of Cheryl, a misfit who has a perpetual lump in her throat and is on a constant quest for love. July will sign copies of the paperback edition of the book during her visit at McNally Jackson.
(New Society is playing at BAM Fisher from October 7-10 at 7:30pm. July’s book signing at McNally Jackson is on October 8 from 1pm-2:30pm.)